Friday, October 28, 2011

Long time, no post.

So, it's been forever since I've blogged about my running. A year ago, I met the man that is now my fiance. I was in the best shape of my life. I had lost weight and was down to 108 pounds and ran most days. Then, life and dating got in the way and I let me running be pushed aside. Now that we are engaged and have our date set, I have a new goal. I need to lose all the weight I've gained back since we started dating. He tells me I'm beautiful and I don't need to lose weight, but I know that I'm not comfortable and I'm not happy with the way I look. I will be trying to post regularly and get in wedding shape. Especially since we have decided that we want to go to the Virgin Islands for our honeymoon! I need to look great in a bikini again!!! ;)'s my first post.

September 6, I started my Running Club with the students at my grade school again. We started slowly and I realized just how out of shape I had let myself become. We run twice a week and that's all I've been doing. This week I came across a blog about running injury free and it included a 10K training plan. I've decided that this will be the way I'm going to build up to being able to run that half marathon that I've always dreamed of running. I am going to follow the plan and build up my running. This week my plan said to run 3 miles 3 days. On Tuesday with my group I ran 3.2 miles. Yesterday with my group I ran 3.25 miles. We run/walk, but I'm going to build up to being able to run the whole thing without stopping again. I only have one more day of running 3 miles this week and I'm confident that I can do it. Running with my kids has really been a lot of fun. The conversations I have with them are amazing and it's so much fun to see them grow as runners. I was told by another teacher who runs with us that I should be given a motivator award. I don't need an award, but I'm really glad that I've been able to motivate others to get in shape and find something they love.

That's all for now. Be looking for my post on Saturday.

Happy running! :)